Monday, April 2, 2012

Marriage - State Permission or God's

So i am 6 weeks away from my wedding. I am excited, nervous, thrilled, happy, worried & stressed! I want our day to be perfect! I started crossing off the last few things on my list of things to do & Marriage Liscence popped out at me. I am not quite sure what made me do it, but i decided to research the requirements for a marriage liscence. As i began reading, the biggest thing i noticed is there is NO BIBLICAL statement that a marriage ceremony or contract by law is required for being joined in Holy matrimony before God. I find that extrememly interesting. God of course expects us to be united under HIS laws, but the Bible is very non-descriptive of exactly what we are to do LEGALLY. As i continued researching, i cam across a post from a pastor who told a few stories. One of them was about a mother who was told by the state they were going to remover her child from her home for a period of 48hours till they could check the situation out for child abuse. When she questioned on what authority they had to remove her child, they stated by your marriage & birth certificates you signed you gave the state permission. WHAT?!!! Have you ever checked into exactly the seriousness of signing a birth certificate & what exactly it means? For that matter a marriage liscence? Wikipedia: A marriage license (American English) or marriage licence (British English) is a document issued, either by a church or state authority, authorizing a couple to marry. The procedure for obtaining a license varies between countries and has changed over time. Marriage licenses began to be issued in the Middle Ages, to permit a marriage which would otherwise be illegal (for instance, if the necessary period of notice for the marriage had not been given). Did you read that? "to permit a marriage that would otherwise be illegal"........who's law do we follow when we are getting married? Who implimented marriage? God did! So what purpose does a marriage liscence serve when, if a man asks a womans father for permission, as head of that family & permission is granted? What purpose does it serve when the couple come before witness's & before God agreeing to live by God's laws of matrimony? Who are we requesting permission from by obtaining it? GOD or the state? This brings me to, do i want to even open this door? I am going to seriously pray about this matter. WHen you sign any document it becomes LEGAL & BINDING in a COURT OF LAW. If you sign a state liscence request, you are requesting them to give you permission over a GOD GIVEN right. How can they? THey are not God. ANy thoughts on this are appreciated if you can give me Biblical knowledge & Biblical perspective. I am not saying i am against marriage by any means, just not sure how i feel now about marriage liscences.

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